Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The Federal Government and Katrina

So, I can't take it anymore...

If you are an American taxpayer you need to be upset. Today, in the wake of hurricane Katrina, with people out of homes, looking for the basics of life, our Government is looking to form a commission to study what went wrong! You have GOT to be kidding me...

And how much will this commission cost? $10MM? $20MM? Wouldn't that money be better spent on the actual victims? All told four states experienced serious damage from Katrina...

1. Florida
2. Louisiana
3. Alabama
4. Mississippi

Of those four states, Louisiana is the only one that is having issues with the Federal Government response. I would bet that they are getting most of the resources right now because they are the proverbial "Squeaky Wheel".

Today I heard a quote from Nancy Pelosi where she is quoted as saying something to the effect that (I'm paraphrasing here) the President needs only to look in the mirror to see where the problem is. Really? FEMA has been doing a great job in the other three states. The problem is not with FEMA, nor the Federal Government on this one. Nancy, the persons that need to look in the mirror are the Mayor of New Orleans and the Governor of the state of Louisiana...

Let's not WASTE more money on another commission that will only try to point blame at the President. What good will that do for the people affected by Katrina? Who's pockets will get lined?

As a Taxpayer, I would like my money back so I can give it to the Red Cross, the United Way, or some other Charity that is actually interested in helping the people.

End of Ramble.


Ordinary Guy said...

Good comments, however I have to say that since when, in this democratic republic of ours, do we have to depend on our Federal government to take care of us?

We are a republic of states. Each municipality has the responsiblity to maintain the order of the area for which it is charged. The City, State, then Federal government. The City did not follow it's own disaster plan. The State acted very late. FEMA was not going to put its people in harm's way (there was looting and Anarchy in downtown NOLA). Also they concentrated on rescuing those who wanted to be rescued. So, in effect, FEMA was there as soon as possible, trying to get people out.

Why did it take so long for the City and State to act on their own plans? Why spend our tax dollars researching what the Federal government should have done better when we could a) use those dollars to help the needy, and b) look to why the city and state did not follow thier own disaster prepardness plans.

The problem here is that we, as a country, look towards the Federal government to solve all of our problems, when, in reality, we need to look first in the mirror.

Ordinary Guy said...

Let me ask this question...

If you loose your job, or your income is affected, do you just through your arms up in the air and say 'well, I guess I'll just wait it out', or do you look for another job?

In this case the "poorest state in the nation", Louisiana does have some capability to increase it's revenue by taxing the port differently as well as the companies that operate there (Oil producing) so avenues are / were available to them. Why did they not exercise them? Blaming the federal government is like saying "I lost my job and mom and dad won't take care of me". That is no excuse.

You know you have problems (reported all over the NOLA web site prior to Katrina) but did nothing about it... That is just mis management. Who manages this? The city, county (parish), and state... Not the Federal government.

Yes, the Federal government agencies should be there to help for a disaster, and they were / are. However, they cannot be expected to micro manage the facilities and capabilities of all municpalities in the US. This is the responsibility of the local government, which failed here.

-End of Ramble

Lucid Guy said...

The American people have forgotten how to take care of themselves. It is a characteristic of Communism and Socialism to believe that the government should take care of you. Sure FEMA and other agencies should step in the assist with disaters, but some personal responsibility and accountability has to take place. The fact the Floridians banded together to help each other after 4 hurricanes last year and a large group of New Orleans citizens waited for the opportunity to loot shows the moral compass of that city. Don't even tell me that they were looting for food. The looting started as soon as the storm passed and the last time I checked electronic and jewlery stores didn't sell food.
When most American cities flood the water receeds. When Lousiana floods the water runs to New Orleans. I do not believe we should throw good money after bad by rebuilding the ENTIRE city. Some hard decisions need to be made.