Monday, April 16, 2007

It's April 16th... Do you know where your taxes go?

Anyone who reads this blog will find it fairly obvious that we support the FairTax and are fiscal conservatives. Now when you see something like this: Congressional junkets picking up steam it just makes you want to scream!

All told, the military flew at least 13 congressional delegations to various destinations during the Easter recess -- at an estimated rate of $10,000 or more per flying hour.

$10,000 and hour X 13 X how many hours? HOLY COW!

At the Caneel Bay resort, where room rates reach $1,100 per night, the spokeswoman said Thompson and his wife paid the “government rate.” But, according to the reservations department, Caneel Bay doesn’t “offer any government rates.”

And to lie about it when they are caught?

Some of the culprits:

Traveling with Engel and his wife were Reps. Yvette Clarke, D-N.Y., Sheila Jackson-Lee, D-Tex., and Barbara Lee, D-Calif. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., who went to Belgium in a delegation led by Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., earlier in the week, also joined Engel’s Caribbean trip. She brought her husband with her.

Hmmm... Democrats...

Do you know where YOUR tax dollars are going?

-End of Ramble


Beth said...

Well sure, you've got Pelosi signing off on the trips, too, what a surprise.

Ordinary Guy said...

No doubt.

And this will be shoved under the carpet.

My Country, My Money.

Beth said...

Sure it will be swept under the rug, by the MSM, but thanks to the Internet the truth can come out. No wonder they want to start the Internet with a clean slate.