Thursday, December 10, 2009
My U.S. Representative
I understand that you serve a useful purpose for your political party as a lightning rod attracting the majority share of criticism and attention, which provides cover for your peers. What I don't understand or appreciate is that you are MY U.S. Representative and you don't represent anything which I hold dear.
Your office sent my wife a copy of the U.S. Constitution, which is a nice gesture, but in today's economy, was that the most wise choice to spend tax payer money? Really? Your literature says that you carry a copy of the Constitution around with you in your pocket. Have you ever read it? How about Article I Section 8, "...To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions". So when can we expect the National Guard on the southern U.S. border to repel the illegal alien invasion? The number can be debated, but I think illegals numbering in the MILLIONS constitutes an invasion. I'm sure you would agree.
And Alan, if you disagree with former Vice President Cheney, why not put forth a reasoned argument for your position rather than opting for Internet slang? Oh that's right, you think all Republicans are "knuckle dragging neanderthals". You know of course that Mr. Cheney is correct and you have no defensible position. The President is providing aid and comfort to our enemy my bestowing constitutional rights to foreign combatants that claim no country of allegiance.
Mr. Grayson, you are an embarrassment to your district, your State, your party, and your Country. Please resign.
##That's my opinion##
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Basic Business Facts missing in Government
So, what was once several credits on the balance sheet for the government is now not a zero dollar amount, but a debit because they are paying unemployment to those workers, perhaps welfare. This is basic accounting. The problem is that nobody in our most learned government is taking into account Organizational Behavior and the will of the people. This is an example of a small local company. What if you are a large Multinational? If it becomes cheaper to incorporate in China do you not think they will do that? Then they are no longer subject to the rules set by Washington. How does that help the American worker? Why do you think that many large organizations are incorporated in Delaware?
Basic human nature and the will to survive will lead the way... eventually... I just hope it is not too late.
Monday, November 09, 2009
Islamist Terror Strikes US Again
Thanks Ralph. I could not agree more!
##That's my opinion##
Monday, November 02, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
I'd Like to Apologize
I certainly hope that his rantings are simply a mechanism to get attention in an attempt to make a name for himself, because if he truly believes what he is saying then God help us all.
Mr. Grayson, please RESIGN. I'm one of your constituents and you sir certainly do not represent me!
##That's my opinion##
Monday, October 26, 2009
23 Rounds of Golf
However, the number 23 does seems a bit excessive. I'm not a golfer, but I do know about how long it takes to play a round. Since Obama has only been President for 40 weeks (if I counted correctly from January 20th) then more than once every two weeks seems a bit much.
You'd think with all that time on the course to contemplate the universe, he would have made a decision on the Afghan troops by now.
##That's my opinion##
Press 1 For English - Really?
This is the United States and we speak English (American actually), but English nonetheless. If you want to press a number for Spanish, or Haitian Creole, or French - great, but please assume we can speak English unless we opt out for something else.
The amount of wasted resources, time, and productivity in this country due to people not bothering to learn the language is infuriating. Why people come to the U.S. and then try to force their culture and language on us is confusing.
It is a matter of safety and national security that our population reads and understands one language. It is not possible to have all signs in multiple languages. It is problematic for people to not be able to read Hospital, Danger, Stop, Yield, Fire, Rail Road Crossing, Police, Keep Left, Food Stamp Line, or Vote Conservative.
Please, for God sake - and ours - English first (or maybe only).
##That's my opinion##
Thursday, October 08, 2009
So... should we run against Alan Grayson?
What do you think?
(1) Fair Tax
(2) No Single Payer Health Care -- Health Care transparency and competition across state borders.
(3) America is a Melting Pot, but that is what makes it unique... and why we are all Americans
(4) Make sure our borders are secure
(5) Provide for defense.
Let us know...
-- End Of Ramble.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Hey Janet - Try Enforcing the Law
The sheriff of Maricopa County Arizona, Joe Arpaio, is a true patriot and enforcer of the law. Unlike Janet Napolitano, head of the Department of Homeland Security, who has drafted a new agreement with local law enforcement that specifies, "... the priorities of DHS, one of which is to go after 'criminal aliens' — illegal immigrants who have committed a state crime." Therefore, since illegal immigration is a federal crime, the DHS is trying to limit Sheriff Arpaio's power to enforce immigration laws.
Janet, we should be using any and all means to enforce immigration laws and you should be held criminally liable for not doing more to uphold the laws of the United States. It does not matter if you agree or disagree with the law, you must follow it - it is not up to your interpretation of it. Until it is changed, it is illegal for non US citizens to enter our country without proper documentation - PERIOD!
There should be no debate. Build a double fence 12 feet high and patrol the area between with the National Guard - that's right, the National Guard guards the nation (hence the name). The flow of illegal aliens across our southern border is no less than an invasion.
The last time I check Article I Section 8 of the United States Constitution states in part, "To provide for calling fourth the Militia (read National Guard) to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions".
This being the case, I believe that the American people have good cause to hold the entire Congress in contempt as they all took oaths of office to uphold the laws of the United States and to protect it against invasion. Please someone explain to me how over 12 million illegal aliens does not constitute and invasion. And please spare me the "racial profiling" and the "you have no compassion for the poor" garbage. The United States is a sovereign nation and you need documentation to enter it.
Congress (that's the Senate and the House), do your job or get out of the way. There's serious work to be done.
##That's my opinion##
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
And From the Peanut Gallery
"I live in the South, and I've seen the South come a long way and I've seen the rest of the country that shared the South's attitude toward minority groups at that time ... and I think it's bubbled up to the surface, because of a belief among many white people, not just in the South but around the country, that African-Americans are not qualified to lead this great country."
Well Jimmy, I too was born and raised in the great state of Georgia and while there are certainly examples of racism, the vast majority of Georgians are not racist. I have not visited your home town of Plains, so you may live in a bubble of exception.
I also believe that you are probably not the best arbiter of who is racist, what many white people believe, or for that matter who is qualified to be President - as your record and approval rating indicated.
Comments such as yours trade in hate and serve to divide our country. Since you are so quick to play the race card I would submit that you are the racist creating division where none exists.
Jimmy, the next time you have a thought - don't.
##That's My Opinion##
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Let's Check the Dip-Stick
"...from a technical perspective the recession is very likely over at this point"
So let's stick the dip-stick in the economic tank and see what kind of
reading we get.
I bet we're not quite out of the woods yet Mr. Bernanke
since the major economic driver, housing, is still running on empty.
##That's my Opinion##
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Axelrod, You're Wrong
"You know, one of the great things about our country is people can express themselves even if they're not representative of the majority."Take a real close look in the mirror Mr. Axelrod, because you're in the minority. You are witnessing the awakening of the silent majority. Just because we have been silent, does not make us irrelevant.
The American People are speaking - I suggest you listen.
##That's My Opinion##
Thursday, September 03, 2009
8 Then Vacate
Want to know who they are?
House of Representatives:
Once you know who they are, go check out some of their voting records. You may find some things you like, but I'll bet you find some things that make you mad.
Then, once you're educated on your elected representation, see how long they've been in office. If they have been there more than 8 years, I suggest you kick them out. Serving in Congress was never meant to be a job or a lifestyle. After someone has been lavished with the kind of benefits our "American Royalty" receive, they've pretty much lost touch with the real society. If they have been there more than 4 years, get someone warming up in the bull pen.
8 Then Vacate.
##That's my opinion##
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Sec. of State Clinton - Thanks for the Shot
"In 2000, our presidential election came down to one state where the brother of the man running for president was the governor of the state. So we have our problems too."Thanks for standing up for our Republic and our system of democratic elections Secretary Clinton.
So for those keeping score at home, every legitimate recount (and most of the news organizations attempts) ever conducted in the 2000 election indicated George Bush as the winner - as did the Supreme Court.
Secretary Clinton, keep up the good work and tell the President Lucid Guy says Hi.
##That's my opinion##
Silent Too Long
To that point, start doing your research before the tools to do so are silenced and placed beyond your reach.
You think I exaggerate? You think this too dramatic? Our new FCC Czar, Mark Lloyd, extols the "democratic" virtues of the Venezuela "revolution". From his 2006 book "Prologue to a Farce: Communication and Democracy" he writes,
"It should be clear by now that my focus here is not freedom of speech or the press. This freedom is all too often an exaggeration. At the very least, blind references to freedom of speech or the press serve as a distraction from the critical examination of other communications policies.
[T]he purpose of free speech is warped to protect global corporations and block rules that would promote democratic governance."
Is it not just amazing that someone with these views is now shaping policy for the Federal Communications Commission? This strikes a near fatal blow to free speech - you know - one of the biggies in the Constitution (the Constitution is good stuff, you should read it).
I'm not providing a web link on purpose. Research it. Find your own trusted source so that you know it is true.
I'm not giving up on Freedom or our Republic as the United States is the sole remaining flickering light of human freedom.
##That's my opinion##
Friday, August 14, 2009
I am frightened for our country. I am frightened for our way of life. I am frightened for my children. I am frightened for my paycheck.
WTF are we doing? Really? Give the government more control of our lives? What?
Reminder: We are a REPUBLIC, not a Democracy. Look it up people... and don't be a sheeple. THINK! THINK for yourself. Do some REAL RESEARCH. Stop listening to Robert Gibbs, MSNBC, CNN, FOX... LOOK IT UP! We live in the MOST connected internet age of all time and we have people who follow like it's 1984 from Orwell. ALL HAIL BIG BROTHER OBAMA and PILOSI!
Do a little research:
** 42 Million without Health care coverage? Really? Are they all citizens? Are they able to get coverage but choose not to? Ask these questions.
** Stimulus package? Is it working? Are they REALLY too big to fail? Who is picking up the tab for that thing? Your country, your money.
-End of Ramble.
Monday, April 20, 2009
1000 Words

Thursday, April 09, 2009
A Christian Nation
Obama should be censured by the Senate and then not allowed to leave the country again.
##That's my opinion##
Sunday, April 05, 2009
So this was on Michele Malkin's blog...
Everyone can agree with the fun of it all. Gracias Michele!
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
A Hair Cut or a Life Lesson
Grady was one person with whom I could discuss any topic and rest assured that I would not be judged on my opinion or held in a poor light based upon my position. It was true and honest discussion. The last words Grady spoke to me were the last words he said to me after every visit, " be good".
I thought this appropriate for this blog since our conversations often center around politics and current events and I could certainly use a dose of Grady's counsel right now. I believe that many people today have lost either the ability to have a rational conversation, the desire to be part of the solution, or the intelligence to think for themselves. Here's hoping for change.
##That's my opinion##
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Just returned from Honduras
They are rich is spirit. They are rich in love for each other. They are a genuine people. What you see is what you get. We were a curiosity to them because it was obvious that we were not Honduran, but from America, however once they got over that what we began to realize is that we are all just trying to make the best of our worlds with what we have.
We have forgotten the basics. We have forgotten what it is like to not have water, electricity, food. In Honduras the government run schools are not free... the student pays to go, for books, for the uniform, for everything. Here we complain because they want to shut down a school, or worse yet end a sports program.
WAKE UP AMERICA. Wake up to the fact that our strength is in our community, not in our government. In our ability to care for each other and ourselves. In what was once called "Rugged American Individualism". Stop being a sheeple. Stop following the heard. Stop thinking everything can be solved by the government. That is communism / socialism. It is weak and short term. We must find strength in ourselves and in our community.
The government finds strength in control through the tax base. Why do we choose to give that that control? Why do we feel that they should be responsible for taking care of Social Security Number YOU? You are just a number to them... not a person. A list in a database, on a spreadsheet... an income or expenditure.
Look to the 'third world' countries as an example of what real strength is.
-End of Ramble.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Economic Liquefaction
Now back to the world around you; have you heard that there is an economic crisis? There is obviously much debate about how we should proceed to turn the economy around. Those who believe in capitalism and market forces believe that allowing the economic cycle to run its course, while painful, will lead us back to solid ground. Others believe that government should step in to shore up the economy by helping those that are “too big to fail”. As indicated by my mortgage fantasy statement, I believe the government shore up may help in the short term, but the overall affect will be to prolong the pain of economic recovery by allowing companies that will eventually fail anyway to hang on longer than they should.
It is my opinion that a convincing argument may be made by making your opponents position look weak. It is obvious that President Obama favors larger government and the shore up approach. Since President Obama uses every opportunity to state how much of a crisis our economy is in it is my opinion that he is practicing Economic Liquefaction. By talking down the economy, I believe President Obama is intentionally trying to convince the entire country that capitalism has failed through the destabilization of the economic ground beneath our feet. As the economy becomes less stable it will become apparent that the government shore up is the only available option. The weak economy also provides President Obama with an excellent margin of error as the history writers will “remember” how he turned the failed economy around since it had nowhere else to go but up. There is definitely a big upside for the President and the Democrat congress to allow the economy to languish a bit longer so that the eventual recovery can be attributed to all of their “help”.
Hoping for Change.
##That’s my opinion##
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
An open letter to President Obama
Thursday, February 19, 2009
"Gird Your Loins"
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Joseph Biden is a prophet. On October 19, 2008, the now-Vice President said, "Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy."Forget about six months; the foreign affairs insults arrived within three weeks of Obama's presidency. And with the economy dominating the news cycle, very little attention has been paid. Let's take them one by one.By far, the most important insult to the Obama administration came this week. Shortly after Obama's envoy, Richard Holbrooke, visited Pakistan, that country surrendered to the Taliban and al-Qaeda, putting the entire world in danger.In a shocking abdication of responsibility, the Pakistani government now says the Taliban has the authority to impose sharia law in the northern part of that country. That means the Pakistani government is allowing these terrorists to do whatever they want, and that will include continuing their attacks on American forces in neighboring Afghanistan.This is huge, and President Obama would be wise to respond quickly and punish the Pakistani government. They have thrown in with terror killers; the USA cannot accept that, nor should any responsible country.Insult two: The government of Kyrgyzstan is closing the big U.S. air base on its soil. That air base supplies NATO forces in Afghanistan. Again, this is huge.The reason the base is being closed is because the Russian tyrant, Putin, doesn't like America assisting nations like Poland and the Ukraine in their defense strategies. So Putin, who the Kyrgyzstan government fears, has succeeded in hurting NATO's war against the Taliban. Nice.The third insult comes from Iran. No surprise here. While the mullahs yak about talking with President Obama, they continue to fast-track nuclear weapons. A report by the Institute for Science and International Security says that Iran could have weapons-grade nuclear material this year. So there is now an urgency to the situation and Obama must respond quickly or the nuke genie will be out of the bottle.And finally, insult four: Crazy Kim Jong-Il, the leader of North Korea, celebrated his 67th birthday this week by threatening a nuclear missile test.Again, because of the terrible economy, many Americans have no idea all of this stuff is going on, but there is no question Barack Obama is being tested and the villains are watching closely to see what he will do.In his speech last October, Joseph Biden also told Americans to "gird [their] loins." I'm not exactly sure what that means vis-à-vis foreign policy, but it doesn't sound good. I also don't know whether President Obama is "girding" right now, but he had better be doing something.
Bill got it right.
##That's my opinion##