This man has it all figured out. His comments are right on, as is his sign in this picture.
We all need to be worried about how to help these people, not who to blame.
"i am fed up with all the dumb comments i am getting on my photos of the effects of hurricane katrina within my city. i've been trying to take photos of what has happened within baton rouge as a result of us attempting to absorb as many people as possible from the new orleans metro area. i've attempted to show some beauty in the midst of this tragedy - the faces of the kids, the story's of people making it through the pain, and tales of people sharing whatever they have. yet some people who have viewed these photos have taken these pictures as an opportunity to blame the conservative and the liberals, the blacks and the whites, the city of new orleans, state of louisiana, and the country. these pictures are not meant to be an opportunity for you to use this horrific event for your own racist or political agendas. now is not the time for blame or political posturing. now is the time to help as many people as possible. you can start a forum somewhere else later and blame as many people as you would like.so here's the one and only warning for the idiots among us. if you post a comment laying blame on anyone i will delete it. if you do it again i will put you on my block list. if you decided that these photos are the spot where you should post some dumb rumors that do nothing more than scare people you will be sadly disappointed because i will delete them. if you post more rumors i will block you. if you post a racist statement or a statement that tears into louisiana, baton rouge, or the new orleans metro area i will delete it and block you automatically.now GO BE STUPID SOMEWHERE ELSE!"
-End of Ramble
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