Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Bush Accepts Blame for Slow Hurricane Response - Yahoo! News

Bush Accepts Blame for Slow Hurricane Response - Yahoo! News

Hmmm... What is happening here? Why would President Bush do this? Let's see what he actually said:

"Katrina exposed serious problems in our response capability at all levels of government," he said. "And to the extent that the federal government didn't fully do its job right, I take responsibility."

"... to the fullest extent that the federal government didn't dully do its job right ..."

Yes, he takes the blame for the federal component... so he is taking "the high road", so where does that leave Mayor Nagin and Governor Blanco? This humble blogger believes in the republic that was founded when this country was started over 200 years ago, to escape a monarchy. Why do we continue to look towards the oval office as if it was Buckingham Palace? There is no "king", or "queen" in the United States of America. We have local governments, who are responsible for the people. We have state governments who shoulder still other burdens FOR THE PEOPLE. We have the Federal government which shoulders even larger burdens FOR THE PEOPLE.

We have people everywhere running around looking to blame someone (Hey, even Robert Kennedy, Jr. is blaming Bush for the Hurricane itself! see “For They That Sow the Wind Shall Reap the Whirlwind”) instead of just helping those in need. We have people hurting. Instead of playing politics Mayor Nagin and Governor Blanco, how about serving those who elected you?

As for the President taking blame... Yes, he was right to do that, but what are the politics in play here?

- End of Ramble

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