A GREAT article in the International Herald Tribune can be found here. It shows that if America becomes energy independent or less reliant on foreign oil we can continue to drive the political - economic agenda of the world. If we remain where we are we risk no longer being a true 'super power'. This article is well written and very thoughtful.
If we bring our own oil fields online, get off the use of oil altogether and become self sufficient we will again be a force to be recognized on the global stage. It will require sacrifice... for long term gain. It will require Americans to regain their rugged individualism. It will mean things will get worse before they get better...
No matter who get's elected on November 4th, 2008 to the Presidency, we need a LEADER who can take us down the right path. Not one who promises to solve our problems in our wallets with short term fixes, but who can lead us to a REAL and sustainable future that involves America being a land of the Free, Brave and Proud.
-End of Ramble.
You can do nothing without energy. Energy is a game changer and being dependent on foreigh sources will criple us if we don't act fast. America is a greedy, wasteful nation, but we don't have to be that way. We should conserve and seek out energy independence no matter what it takes.
The writer of this article is right on the mark - if US wants to continue to be a super power, then we must stay ahead in the energy game.
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