Be warned... this is more of a rant than anything else...
Driving. It seems that several villages have lost their idiots and when I am driving I seem to be a magnet for them. Turn left onto an entrance ramp for a major highway. Two left hand turn lanes. Stop light. I wait my turn. Why do people feel that they are so much more important than I am that they cannot wait in line but instead must come up along side the two turn lanes and when the light turns green speed through it turning left in front of all other traffic?
Why do people forget that they should REMAIN in the right lane on any road unless they are passing?
Why do people in these HUGE pickup trucks go flying down the road at 85+ MPH throwing things up off the road and out of their truck beds that come down and damage those of us who were unfortunate enough to be in the RIGHT (see above) lane?
More examples of the self centered nature of people.
Other recent observations...
I just got an iPhone. I now notice that I walk around with my head down buried into whatever is interesting me on that little toy. I actually thought I need to stop doing this because I am ignoring people around me. Then I started watching others with CrackBerry's and iPhones... we all do it. Don't get me wrong... the iPhone is by far the absolute coolest and handy device that I have EVER had... but I also feel that I need to interact with my fellow humans, not just the electronic world. So, a new vow...
"I pledge to take my head out of my electronic device and pay attention to those humans that are around me"
Let's all take that pledge.
-End of Ramble
Ordinary, good luck with that pledge. I've seen the euphoric look in your eyes with a new electronic toy in your hands.
It's been my experience that automation in general and personal electronic devices in specific have not made us as a culture more productive. However, they have enabled us to be less effective - faster.
...I said as I typed into my Internet blog...
Electronics can be addictive, I suppose as with anything I say moderation is best (but not always easy to do!!!)
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