Friday, May 16, 2008

Al Gore and the inconvienent truth about "An Inconvienent Truth"

If I was on IM I would say "ROTF LMAO". ABC has exposed that Al Gore is using computer generated shots in "An Inconvenient Truth".

I love it. Al Gore... you hack.

-End of Ramble


Beth said...

I think he's okay doing that as long as he buys some sort of "lying credits", can't he?

Name: Soapboxgod said...

It stands to chance he'd use computer generated shots doesn't it? I mean come on..this guy invented the internet. Naturally, he's computer savy.

Ordinary Guy said...

I think I'll start a business selling "Lying Credits'...

True Soapie... I forgot he invented the internet!

Name: Soapboxgod said...

Post a lying credit on ebay and see if anyone bites.

I'm sure politicians would be interested. Of course, they'd be buying them with your money....

Beth said...

Bill Clinton would go broke!

Lucid Guy said...

....Dow Jones....Sweet Crude Up $2.50....Corn Futures DN $1.63....Carbon Credits Up $10.50.....Lying Credits Up $105.25....