Does anyone decide which candidate to choose based on the recommendation of a TV talk show host or a singer/actress? If any group of citizens is uniquely unqualified to tell someone else how to vote, it’s those of us who live in the sheltered, privileged arena of celebrityhood.
Do your own research and form your own opinions - then get out there and vote. However, if you don't do your research and rely on others to manipulate your vote, then do all of us a favor and stay home on election day.
##That's my opinion##
The wrong people often stay home on election day!
Excellent find Lucid!
Beth, you are right on.
I would extend this to political pundits and radio personalities.
And actually, I wouldn't say that the wrong people stay home on election day in as much as I would assert that far too many of the wrong people actually go to the polls. These 'wrong' people are the ones that vote not with their heads but with their hearts. They screw it up for us informed voters.
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