Friday, October 07, 2005

The Internet is in Danger from the UN!

Internet is in Danger from the UN

Nealz Newz again. Read this article. Scary. Isn't it bad enough that they want to punish us (that is Americans) for causing Global Warming through Kyoto? What is the UN going to do about China then? Are we going to go "Least Common Denominator" and say that everything should be censored?


-End of Ramble


Ordinary Guy said...

Now, isn't that funny. I saw that but felt it was just to silly to comment on...

Let's see...

North Korea -- Nukes -- Check!
Pakistan -- Nukes -- Check!
Libya -- Nukes -- Check!
Iran -- Nukes -- Check!

Great! How about a Nobel Peace Prize?

Stupidity knows no bounds...

-End of Ramble

Lucid Guy said...

Kyoto was specifically designed to punish the United States and to reward almost every other county. Gee, I wonder why Bush didn't just blindly sign it?