I started this blog some time ago as an outlet for my feelings on the government. I have been quiet on it as of late because, frankly, I am SO DISGUSTED with the garbage that is going on that I cannot take it anymore. I have read recently about data centers being raided by the FBI with little cause and no arrest warrants issued, I see the 'debate' on government health care, I see the talking heads on the news doing nothing but praising gun control, and I am SCARED.
I am frightened for our country. I am frightened for our way of life. I am frightened for my children. I am frightened for my paycheck.
WTF are we doing? Really? Give the government more control of our lives? What?
Reminder: We are a REPUBLIC, not a Democracy. Look it up people... and don't be a sheeple. THINK! THINK for yourself. Do some REAL RESEARCH. Stop listening to Robert Gibbs, MSNBC, CNN, FOX... LOOK IT UP! We live in the MOST connected internet age of all time and we have people who follow like it's 1984 from Orwell. ALL HAIL BIG BROTHER OBAMA and PILOSI!
Do a little research:
** 42 Million without Health care coverage? Really? Are they all citizens? Are they able to get coverage but choose not to? Ask these questions.
** Stimulus package? Is it working? Are they REALLY too big to fail? Who is picking up the tab for that thing? Your country, your money.
-End of Ramble.