Monday, December 29, 2008

Guaranteed Annual Increase - Get Yours?

Congress is getting it's guaranteed annual salary increase of about 2.8 percent. This will raise the average Congressional salary to about $174,000. Since several Senators and Congressmen have been insisting that we are in the "worst financial crisis since the Great Depression", it's my opinion that they really don't deserve an increase and to quote the Vice President elect,

"'s time to be patriotic ... time to jump in, time to be part of the deal, time to help get America out of the rut."

I believe that we should adopt a Congressional compensation model that is indexed to the constituents of the respective elected representative. Take the average income of the State or Congressional District and then add some "thank you for your service" percentage like 10 percent. That would be a fair model that would appropriately compensate the Senator or Congressman as their respective constituents prospered or suffered.

##That's my opinion##

Monday, December 08, 2008

Will We Let Big Auto Fail?

No, we will not let big Auto fail.

It is actually not possible for us to let big Auto fail, because big Auto has already failed. We are not talking about avoiding a potential car crash. The car has already left the road and gone over the edge of the cliff. We are now talking about how the emergency services will respond.

So give me a break about how much money each of the big 3 require to continue working. HELLO - you've had decades to adjust your business model to the changing customer requests, gasoline prices, and environmental mandates. You are the ones that killed the electric car and refused to make enough vehicles that get better 22 miles to the gallon. You, the big 3 Auto, have charted your own course and made your own problem - deal with it.

Our capitalistic economy and legal framework allows for businesses to file for protection from creditors (chapter 11) and reorganize their business. This is exactly what the automobile makers should do rather than look to the American people to bail them out. It's rather ironic that since we, the consumers, chose not to buy American made cars, that we are now being forced to give them our money anyway. What level of crazy do you have to be to think that this makes any sense?

I currently work in a small family owned business which recently had to ask it's employees to work reduced hours in order to get through a tough financial time. Thankfully, the accounts receivable picked up and we are now back to full speed. Should this condition happen again, when will our company get it's tax payer funded bailout?

It is economic Darwinism. Big Auto has already failed and it's time to see what's next. You know, it's not absolutely necessary that there be any cars made in America. Thanks United Auto Workers Union - marvel at the creation you have made.

##That's my opinion##